About Me

I was a postdoc at Department of Mathematical Sciences of the University of Copenhagen in the Mathematical Biology group mentored by Elisenda Feliu.
Previously, I was a PhD student at Department de Matemàtiques of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona under the supervision of Joaquim Roé.
I also spent four months at TU Berlin in the framework of the Thematic Einstein Semester on Algebraic Geometry, funded by Sturmfels' Einstein foundation project “Nonlinear Algebra”.
- A copy of my PhD Thesis, and the slides from the defense.
Disguised toric dynamical systems, with G.Craciun & M.-Ş.Sorea.
- Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 226 (2022), no.8, pp.107035–107059
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The Waring rank of binary binomial forms, with S.K.Masuti.
Inverting catalecticants of ternary quartics, with E.Cazzador & R.Homs.
96120: The degree of the linear orbit of a cubic surface, with S.Timme & M.Weinstein.
On the universal scheme of r-relative clusters of a family.
- The blow up split section family.
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